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WELCOME (FI) is a forum to talk about religions specifically Islam and its holy book the Quran. FI welcomes all to contribute and enjoy freedom of views. For decades we all have heard many thought provoking talks about Islam, ranging from traditional to contemporary issues to following the Quran alone and ignoring the Sunnah. Here at FI we will have two, three or even ten rounds of talks and will respect all people. It is painful that slogans based on sectarian prejudices are raised. FI objective is to serve Islam, our religion and strike off the shackles of exploitation. The success will be made possible by the people. If you have any suggestions to make this place better... please don't hesitate to suggest, we're always looking to improve. FI would like to thank you for visiting and hope you like this place. Nevertheless we have a small Arcade Cafe for all members to chill out.
49.17 - They think that they did you a favour by submitting (to Allah). Say: Do not think your submission is a favour to me; rather, Allah has conferred a favour upon you by guiding you to the faith, if you should be truthful.