Free-Islam.com Access Statistics |
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FireFox: | 6.829 % (3829108) |
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Konqueror: | 0.005 % (3330) |
Lynx: | 0.000 % (277) |
Search Engines: | 0.940 % (527366) |
Unknown: | 2.992 % (1677520)
Operating System
Windows: | 28.18 % (15804576) |
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Unknown: | 58.31 % (32696177)
Miscelaneous Stats
Registered Users: | 487 |
Active Authors: | 5 |
Stories Published: | 2 |
Active Topics: | 2 |
Comments Posted: | 3510 |
Links in Web Links: | 5 |
Categories in Links: | 1 |
News Waiting to be Published: | 0 |
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