Shout Box History |
| AhmedBahgat: you can access the shout in a better interface using this url [URL] 03-22-07 10:03:pm |
| AhmedBahgat: Congratualtion bro SOA 03-22-07 10:00:pm |
SlaveofAllaah: Wonderful brother, Indeed it is. The place is blessed and the tranquility you feel inside the Haram boundary is something abstract. Guess what I shave my hair off, look like one gangster now. 03-19-07 4:04:am |
The: lucky u, bro slaveofallaah...must be wonderful to be in the blessed vicinity! (-: 03-18-07 8:45:pm |
SlaveofAllaah: Yesterday I did my first UMRAH of my life GREAT feeling, Haram boundary is certainly blessed its a different feeling. Its just wonderful. Well, prayed for all and especially for Muslims. But the feeling is great. Lucky enough to kiss the Black stone, pray inside the hateem. 03-18-07 1:31:am |
life: Hey SOA!!!!!!!!! Im here dear under your raj, take my adivse and get married 03-09-07 10:23:am |
The: alone but happy..right? : happy [URL] for bro life, the good news is that he a 100 % muslim; the bad news, 9 % of him is satanist! ....i c u urslef r 96 % muslim...well bro, not too bad, given that u seemed pretty worried abt missing isha...u ve lost faith by only 4 %! : yay : 03-09-07 5:42:am |
SlaveofAllaah: Me still lone bro, well whats up with brother LIFE no reply from him at all, then howz life. 03-09-07 4:42:am |
The: hey...where's bro kgb....havent seen him around in some while now! 03-09-07 2:08:am |
The: great to have u back bro slaveofallaah....r u still feeling lonely...or did u get urself company? : grin : 03-09-07 2:07:am |
life: FI welcomes today our new members Hindi 03-08-07 8:17:pm |
SlaveofAllaah: Insha Allaah, and wehre is brother LIFE and brother THE each one seems tooo busy. Well, life is around in youtube all the time. lol 03-08-07 6:17:am |
| AhmedBahgat: Hey SOA, marriage is the best thing I have achieved in my life, despite the few negativities that comes with it in the same package, i wanted to marry since I was 21 but only managed to do it at 26, Inshallah you will meet your detsined wife soon 03-07-07 7:46:am |
SlaveofAllaah: Welcome to Tribulation and Midnight. Well how is brother life and the doing. Well, i feel like marrying after living a lonely life for 2 years now 03-07-07 6:50:am |
| AhmedBahgat: Free-Islam welcomes our new member and my aussie mate Midnight 03-06-07 10:42:pm |
life: FI welcomes today our new members Tribulation and Midnight 03-06-07 8:33:pm |
| AhmedBahgat: Free-Islam and mself are delighted that Tribulation joined us, Please feel at home darling 03-06-07 12:58:pm |
SlaveofAllaah: Doing great, i hope Allaah provides you with patience and perseverance Ameen. The you tube stuff is great and looks great too. Well i am in dubai, now for some training could just log on today. 03-05-07 6:59:am |
| AhmedBahgat: How are you brother SOA?, I'm doing fine, just a few life hickups, did you like the You Tube Module that I added? 02-26-07 10:48:pm |
SlaveofAllaah: Salamvalekum, to everyone out here. How is everyone doing. 02-26-07 6:35:pm |
life: Whos profiler ? 02-24-07 11:00:am |
Profiler: Do you know it is saturday today. 02-24-07 10:50:am |
life: We welcome today our new member RAHIM 02-20-07 12:44:pm |
life: GUEST HOUSE!!! [URL] All visiting guests can post on this forum. 02-15-07 12:18:pm |
life: !!! Happy Valentine's Day !!! 02-14-07 10:12:am |
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