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Information Tas-hih Al Bukhari (Authenticating Bukhari)

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Age: 59
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam All,

What is written so far is my replies to the first two articles about Bukhari, I combined the two articles together after removing any duplicate information, there is yet one article by a hard core pro Bukhari site that I have to reply to, it is almost the same as the above but contains more details, I also decided not to reply to the anti Bukhari article that I planned to post, this is due to the fact that I agree with most of what they say, so it will not be fair to post it in this thread, at the mean time and before I get ready to reply to the last article which is the most pro Bukhari one, I would like to take a break and discuss something else

Furstly I would like to stand corrected regarding something that I mentioned in my last or pre last comment, it is in relation to the Book named Fath Al Bari Fi Sharh Sahih Al Bukhari which I translated to Albari introduction in explaining Sahih Al Bukhari, that was actually wrong, apparently I thought that it is by someone named Al Bari as the name Al Bukhari, but it seems that the author of that book means Allah by Al Bari, indeed Al Bari is a name of Allah names, now this is far worse because he didn't have an authority to speak on the behalf of Allah and make that into a book that carries Allah name as if Allah is the one who is explaining it, here is the info regarding this book:

Fath ul-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari or Fathul Bari or "Grant of the Creator" is the most valued Sunni commentary of Sahih Bukhari, written by Ibn Hajr Asqalani in 18 volumes

Therefore I stand corrected

Apparently making books in addition to Allah book that are mostly based on what the humans said (hearsay), an action that the prophet told them not to do many times in his hadith to them as I will show later on inshaallah, was very popular between those bunch of Muslims in earlier generations, here is a list of those books as found on the net:

Primary sources

Sahih Bukhari by Imam Bukhari
Sahih Muslim by Imam Muslim
Sunan al-Sughra by Nisai
Sunan Abi Da'ud
Sunan al-Tirmidhi
Sunan Ibn Majah
Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik
Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Sunan al-Darami
Sunan al-Daraqutni
Sahih Ibn Hibbaan
Sahifah Hammam ibbn Munabbih
Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq
Musannaf of ibn Jurayj
Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer by al-Tabarani
Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain by al-Hakim, based on Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim

Some of the primary sources above were solely based on Bukhari and Muslim books, like the last one Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain by al-Hakim

Secondary sources

Mishkat al-Masabih by Wali al-Din ibn 'Abd Allah al-Tabrizi
al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib by al-Munziri
Riyadh as-Saaliheen by Imam Nawawi
Talkhis al-Mustadrak by al-Dhahabi, based on Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain
Majma al-Zawa'id by al-Haythami
Bulugh al-Maram by Ibn Hajar
Kanz al-Ummal by al-Hindi

It seems all the above books next to Allah book were not enough so a group of Muslims created more books as commentaries on the above books:

Commentaries on collections

Fath al-Bari by Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, based on Sahih Bukhari
Umdat al-Qari by Imam Badr al-Din al-Ayni , based on Sahih Bukhari
Irshad al-Sari by Imam al-Qastallani, based on Sahih Bukhari
Al Minhaj Be Sharh Sahih Muslim by Imam Nawawi, badsed on Sahih Muslim
Fath al-Mulhim Sharh Sahih Muslim , badsed on Sahih Muslim
Sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi , badsed on Sunan al-Tirmidhi
Sharh al-Muwatta al-Malik (al-Zurqani) , badsed on Al-Muwatta
Al-Jaza al-Masalik Sharh al-Muwatta Imam Malik , badsed on Al-Muwatta
Subul al-Salam Sharh Bulugh al-Maram , based on Bulugh al-Maram
Nayl al-Awtar by Muhammad ash-Shawkani, based on All
Mirqat Sharh Mishkat al-masabih by Ali al-Qari, based on Mishkat al-Masabih

The first book Fath ul-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari or Fathul Bari or Grant of the Creator in the above hadith commentaries is the one I mentioned earlier and as they said is the most valued Sunni commentary of Sahih Bukhari, ironically it is the same book who exposed Bukhari when he refused to tell us what Ibn Omar said regarding the cause of revealing 2:223, the same book that is telling us that 2:223 is about approaching our wives in the anus (whever we want) not (whenever we want).

One of the popular Muhadiths (hearsayers) was Ahmed ibn Hanbal, his book Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal , commonly known as Musnad Ahmed is number 7 in the primary sources of hadith list above,
Bukhari enjoyed the friendship and respect of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, and was persecuted because he held to Ibn Hanbal's views in matter of creed Aqidah as I stated earlier, however Ahmed ibn Hanbal has reported to us at least 5 times in his hearsay book that the prophet ordered his sahaba not to write anything he says in a book but the Quran and if they do they should have deleted it:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Ismael TOLD us that Hammam ibn Yahya TRANSFERRED from Zaid ibn Aslam who TRANSFERRED from Yassar who TOLD that Abi Saeed SAID:

The messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran, it should be deleted
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Shoaib TOLD us that Hammam SAID that Zaid ibn Aslam TRANSFERRED from Ibn Yassar who TOLD that Abi Saeed SAID:

The messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything, it should be deleted
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Yazeed TOLD us that Hammam ibn Yahya TRANSFERRED from Zaid ibn Aslam who TRANSFERRED from Yassar who TOLD that Abi Saeed SAID:

The messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran, it should be deleted
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Abu Ubaidah TOLD us that Hammam ibn Yahya TRANSFERRED from Zaid ibn Aslam who TRANSFERRED from Yassar who TOLD that Abi Saeed SAID:

The messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything, it should be deleted
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Affan TOLD us that Hammam TOLD us that Zaid ibn Aslam TRANSFERRED from Ibn Yassar who TOLD that Abi Saeed SAID:

The messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran, it should be deleted

For Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (who was a good friend to Bukhari) to inform us 5 times in his book Musnad Ahmed that the prophet said do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran should delete it, means that he convicted himself and his friend Bukhari as charged of violating what the prophet ordered all the sahaba to do, this also means that Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmed ibn Hanbal and their likes were not really obeying the prophet as we are ordered to do by Allah:

And obey Allah and obey the messenger and be cautious; but if you turn back, then know that only a clear deliverance of the message is (incumbent) on Our messenger.

[The Quran ; 5:92]

وَأَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَاحْذَرُواْ فَإِن تَوَلَّيْتُمْ فَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّمَا عَلَى رَسُولِنَا الْبَلاَغُ الْمُبِينُ (92)

-> See, obey Allah and obey the messenger and be cautious , but Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmed and their likes didn't do that they BLATANTLY AND BOLDLY disobeyed the prophet when they alleged that he said: do not write anything I say but the Quran and whoever writes anything but the Quran should delete it

Now to rectify this problem that caused the division of Islam and made them questionable regarding Shirk, all these books must be deleted according to their own hearsay.

To be continued


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Wed 19 Jun, 2013 5:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Posted:
Thu 16 Aug, 2007 4:04 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam All

It's been long time since I wrote my last comment regarding Tas-Hih Al Bukhari, here is more info for you:

Let's have a look at a totally different hadith to the ones posted above in which the prophet warned his sahaba not to write anything he says but the Quran and if they did, they should have deleted it, but if they don't then they were not really obeying the prophet

In the following hadith which again from Musannad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, we read the same wrong actions by the sahaba and we see the prophet stressing for them that what they did is wrong and they must uphold only the Book of Allah (The Quran)
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Ishaq Ibn Isa told me that Abdul Rahman Ibn Zaid knew from his father who knew it from Ataa Ibn Yassar that Abu Hurairah said:

We were sitting down writing what we hear from the prophet salla Allah alaihi wa sallam, he came to us and said: What is that which you are writing. We said: it is what we hear from you, then he said: Another book with the Book of Allah?, we said: it is what we hear, he said: Write down the book of Allah, uphold the Book of Allah, what! Another book but the book of Allah?. Uphold the Book of Allah, Abu Hurairah said: So we collected what we wrote ALL TOGETHER and burnt it with fire, then we said: O Rasool Allah, can we talk about you?, he said: Yes you can talk about me and there should be no blame on you, and whoever lies about me deliberately, then his seat in hell will be secured. Then we said: Can we talk about the children of Israel?, He said: Yes you can talk about the children of Israel and there should be no blame on you, and whatever you say about them but there is more to wonder about them

The above hadith is clear that THERE SHOULD BE NO BOOK NEXT TO ALLAH BOOK, see how the prophet said it: Write down the book of Allah, uphold the Book of Allah. What! Another book but the book of Allah?. Uphold the Book of Allah

See how the sahaba MUST OBEY the prophet: So we collected what we wrote ALL TOGETHER and burnt it with fire

Now, see how he advised them that talking about him should only be ORAL: Yes you can talk about me and there should be no blame on you, and whoever lies about me deliberately, then his seat in hell will be secured

200 years later, the huge warning by the prophet was totally ignored and they started creating many other hadith books next to Allah Book

Isn't obvious that those freaks who uphold such books next to Allah Book are clear cut Mushrikoon who did not obey the prophet and only obeyed Satan?

I leave it to the reader to judge, I guess everyone was given a brain


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Wed 19 Jun, 2013 5:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Posted:
Mon 03 Mar, 2008 10:16 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam brother,

Above hadith could be used by exteremists to says 'read quran nothing else'. In this case the out come will be nothing but crazy heads.
And about following what people have written in name of prophet 'hadith' has been confusing us more than 1000 years. Even brother you are playing the same 'blame game'. The above hadith has been there for 100s of years, did it made any difference? NEI and for reason the people who have used above or similar sayings, have used it for their own bloody agendas. They have never done so with intentions to help the community, instead they create their own community (sect).

When will we stop aruging the 100s of years old arugments which never ends. Looks most of the islamic scholars, imans and top up are unaware of present day and they dont care about present because they are busy arguging arguments. Shame shame shame!!!

Post Posted:
Tue 04 Mar, 2008 1:33 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Rigel wrote:
Salam brother,

Salam mate

Rigel wrote:
Above hadith could be used by exteremists to says 'read quran nothing else'. In this case the out come will be nothing but crazy heads.

The problem here mate that such hadith and all hadith for that matter should not exist in a book from the first place

the word hadith means Talk, it does not mean a book, and indeed in the above hadith the prophet warned his sahaba to write his hadith in a book rather talk his hadith verbally

Rigel wrote:
And about following what people have written in name of prophet 'hadith' has been confusing us more than 1000 years.

1200 years to be exact, on All_Brain web site, a hadith worshipper posted some hadith that the prophet was ok to write his hadith in a book, the problem in such hadith that the prophet never talked and said ok to write his hadith in a book, just a mere head shaking and on that they take it as if he ordered to write his hadith in a book

again mate hadith means VERBAL (Oral) talk, it does not mean talk in a book

Rigel wrote:
Even brother you are playing the same 'blame game'.

Actually I'm not playing the blame game, I'm playing the expose game, see when we were fed the hadith in our young days they never told us about such crap in the same books, they only told us about the cool and dandy stuff, indeed we have been deceived and many of us have been brainwashed

Rigel wrote:
The above hadith has been there for 100s of years, did it made any difference?

for the first 200 years after the prophet died it seems that it made a difference, later on, Satan did his usual tricks, it makes sense that Satan won't leave the believers alone

Rigel wrote:
NEI and for reason the people who have used above or similar sayings, have used it for their own bloody agendas. They have never done so with intentions to help the community, instead they create their own community (sect).

that is what the hadith should lead to, divisions and sects

Rigel wrote:
When will we stop aruging the 100s of years old arugments which never ends. Looks most of the islamic scholars, imans and top up are unaware of present day and they dont care about present because they are busy arguging arguments. Shame shame shame!!!


and that is why if we stand still, we will never move forward rather backward as we have been for 1200 years

we have to call our arms bro and fight the enemy within

Take care
Post Posted:
Tue 04 Mar, 2008 7:58 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

Here is some news regarding this thread, I tried to fix most typos then copied it to another forum, an Egyptian Arabic forum, hosted by one of the most famous TV broadcasters in the M E, Amr Adib, he has his own show called Al Qahira Al Yawm, which means Cairo Today, I like the show and like Amr a lot, on his show he always discuss Islam and other religions, he does not sound like religiously restrict Muslim but he is not afraid to tackle most senstive issues in our religion and other religions, sometimes he makes fun of it, he has a lot of humour in him,

I joined his web site last year and last night decided to post Tas-hih Al Bukhari research in there, some in there whinged that they won't even read it because it is too long and in English, I would like to post all the replies I got and later on inshalllah I will translate it for you and see for yourself that they had nothing to say, the whole thread can be found on:

Here is the first reply:
tarkieb wrote:
انت متخيل ان حد حيقرى دا كله؟ وكمان باانجليزي ...اشك ...كان نفسي اشوف بصمتك على الثريد بدل كوبي وبست...مشكور برضه

Here is the second reply:
majortito wrote:
من انتم؟ ومن هؤلاء؟ حتى تتكلموا على البخارى

انا لم اقرأ المقالة ولكن فهمت فحوها

ولكن اقول ذرات من بحار البخاري وذلك شرط انى جاهل بأمور الدين

1-الامام بخارى كان يتورع ان يقول على الرواة او احد منهم انه كذاب ويكون ذلك غيبة ويقول ليتنى لم اغتبت احدا0 فهل هذا يكذب على النبى؟؟؟؟

2-البخارى كان شديد الحفظ وضبط الصدرقوي فأرودا اختباره فجائوا ب100 حديث والحديث عبارة عن

السند وهوعن فلان عن فلان

والمتن وهو قال رسول الله000000000000

فأخذ 100 حديث 10 رجال فلكل رجل 10احاديث

فكان اختلاف ال100 متن مع ال100 سند

واجمعوا الناس وقالوا ال100 حديث فقال الامام لااعرفها ثم بعدها رتب ال100 حديث وقالها كاملة فأشدوا به الناس وبعلمه وفضله0

3-الامام البخارى كان يشترط فى رواة احاديث ليس اى شرط غيرالعدالة وغيرها كان يشترط السماع واللقاء ليس نقلا عن كتيب اوغيره0

اما بالنسبة الى قولك بأن القران يكفى فأخبرنى ما عدد ركعات صلاة العصر؟؟؟من القران

وإن شاءت اقرأ فى القران قوله تعالى "علمهم الكتاب والحكمة "فما هى الحكمة؟ يا سيدي المحترم

واقول لك بأنى اقل من أدافع عن الامام بخاري وسنة سيد ولد ادم عليه الصلاة والسلام

ونصيحة لك اقرأ عن الاسلام يا بشمهندس او يكفيك الهندسة0

Here is the third reply (by the same person who repplied first):
tarkieb wrote:
يعنى انا اللي عندي كيبورد عربي بس يا أخي موجود في النت ملايين من السايتات اللي موجود فيها كيبورد وممكن تكتب منها.

ثم ايه الحكمة انك تعمل كوبي من سايت لسايت طب ما كان ممكن تحط اللينكات وتريح الناس ونفسك بدل الموضوع اللي يرعب حجما وموضوعا ده. انا بس عايز اسألك سؤال واحد ايه قيمة انك تناقش حاجة عربية بتعتمد على اللفظ اكتر من المعني باأستخدام لغة غير عربية وموجه للعرب في سايت عربي. ما تقولشي انت بتوجه كلامك لغير العرب يبقي غلطت في العنوان

ثم اسلوب طرح الموضوع ما فيه نقاش انت وجهت كل طلقات المدفع ومستنى ايه دلوقتي مننا . نقول لك برافو ولا جزاك الله خير ولا نهاجمك ولا ايه بالظبط؟ رأي ان خير الكلام ما قل ودل ولو كنت عرضت حالة واحدة بهدوء وملخصة كنا ممكن نتفاعل معاك انا أشك ان في واحد عنده وقت يقرأ دا كله

وشكرا يا عمنا ..

Here is the fourth reply (it is in English)
spiceman wrote:
i will not say more than what Trakieb already said, no body can read all this gumff even if they can understand english and there is a lot of members who dose , but they wouldn't bother reading it all.

would be better if u use an arabic key board or just don't bother writing

thanks for listening

I replied to all of them which I will show you later, I have replied in English of course, this is because I can not really type on an Arabic keyboard that fast yet, never succeeded it and when I try I'm slow like a turtle, i have to keep praticsing because this is one weakness that i have and bothers me a lot

I will also need to translate their Arabic replies so you see for yourself that they said absolutely nothing and never repplied to even one verses or one hadith in my article

Salam for now

Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Sat 19 Apr, 2008 10:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Posted:
Sat 19 Apr, 2008 5:00 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

Let me translate the first reply I has on that web site regarding Tas-hih Al Bukhari article that I wrote:

tarkieb wrote:
انت متخيل ان حد حيقرى دا كله؟ وكمان باانجليزي ...اشك ...كان نفسي اشوف بصمتك على الثريد بدل كوبي وبست...مشكور برضه


Do you imagine that any one will read all of that?, yet in English?, I doubt , I would have liked to see your finger prints on the thread instead of copy/paste, however you are thanksed anyway

This is how I replied:


Ana Asif alshan Ma andish arabic keyboard

Atmanna Inn Amr Yaqraha


I'm sorry because I have no Arabic keyboard

I hope that Amr reads it though


Note, I don't think that all Arabic speakers can read English, in fact I have a Call Center in Cairo calling my clients in Australia and there are loads of Egyptians who speak good English

I wish I can do it in Arabic though, possibly I will hire somone who is quick at typing on Arabic keyboards to do it for me

BTW, there is no copy paste, all the things that says Ahmed says, means that it is my own words, however I did copy it from my web site:


As you can see, nothing was said to refute anything in my article, they are also confused by alleging that I copied/pasted it and is not my own work

Post Posted:
Sat 19 Apr, 2008 9:37 pm
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Let me now translate to you their second reply:

majortito wrote:
من انتم؟ ومن هؤلاء؟ حتى تتكلموا على البخارى

انا لم اقرأ المقالة ولكن فهمت فحوها

ولكن اقول ذرات من بحار البخاري وذلك شرط انى جاهل بأمور الدين

1-الامام بخارى كان يتورع ان يقول على الرواة او احد منهم انه كذاب ويكون ذلك غيبة ويقول ليتنى لم اغتبت احدا0 فهل هذا يكذب على النبى؟؟؟؟

2-البخارى كان شديد الحفظ وضبط الصدرقوي فأرودا اختباره فجائوا ب100 حديث والحديث عبارة عن

السند وهوعن فلان عن فلان

والمتن وهو قال رسول الله000000000000

فأخذ 100 حديث 10 رجال فلكل رجل 10احاديث

فكان اختلاف ال100 متن مع ال100 سند

واجمعوا الناس وقالوا ال100 حديث فقال الامام لااعرفها ثم بعدها رتب ال100 حديث وقالها كاملة فأشدوا به الناس وبعلمه وفضله0

3-الامام البخارى كان يشترط فى رواة احاديث ليس اى شرط غيرالعدالة وغيرها كان يشترط السماع واللقاء ليس نقلا عن كتيب اوغيره0

اما بالنسبة الى قولك بأن القران يكفى فأخبرنى ما عدد ركعات صلاة العصر؟؟؟من القران

وإن شاءت اقرأ فى القران قوله تعالى "علمهم الكتاب والحكمة "فما هى الحكمة؟ يا سيدي المحترم

واقول لك بأنى اقل من أدافع عن الامام بخاري وسنة سيد ولد ادم عليه الصلاة والسلام

ونصيحة لك اقرأ عن الاسلام يا بشمهندس او يكفيك الهندسة0


Who are you (plural), and who are those who speak against Bukhari?

I didn't read that article but managed to understand what it is all about

But I want to mention some lil stories of the many about Bukhari, not that I'm strong in religion:

1- Imam Bukhari was very humble to claim that any of the narrators was a liar, as this is Ghaiba (talking ill about any one while absent) and he (Bukhari) used to say, I wish I have never talked ill about any one

So does a person like this say lies agianst the prophet?

2- Bukhari was very strong in memorising so they wanted to test him, they brought 100 hadith including the Sanad and Matn but they mixed the Isnad with the Matn and they called for all onlookers to come and look, then Bukhari said, I don't know such 100 hadith, then he re-arranged them and recited them complete so the people were very impressd with his knowledge and favour

3- Imam Bukhari was always considering any criteria (regarding the narrators) except not being injust, and he was keen to hear the hadith directly himself not reading it from a book or similar

As for you saying that the Quran is enough, then tell me how many rakaa salat al Asr has? and is it from Al Quran?

I'm sure you read in the Quran: "And He taught him the book and wisdom", can you tell me what wisdom is, O respected sir?

Andf I say to you that I'm so little to defend Imam Bukhari and the sunnah of the master of the children of Adam (Mohammed) peace and prayer be upon him

And an advice to you O Engineer, to learn about Islam, or Engineering is enough for you


Obviously this guy does not know what the hell he is talking about, aclear cut ignorant I have to say, this is how I replied to him:

majortito wrote:
Who are you (plural), and who are those who speak against Bukhari?
I didn't read that article but managed to understand what it is all about
But I want to mention some lil stories of the many about Bukhari, not that I'm strong in religion:


We are the True Muslims who never Shirk anyone with Allah and Inshaalllah we will restore Islam to its originality as it was sent down 1400 years ago

majortito wrote:
1- Imam Bukhari was very humble to claim that any of the narrators was a liar, as this is Ghaiba (talking ill about any one while absent) and he (Bukhari) used to say, I wish I have never talked ill about any one. So does a person like this say lies agianst the prophet?

Unfortunately for you, Imam Bukhari didn't lie about the prophet rather posted lies by others about the prophet

can you tell me the followings, please:

1) What is Allah rule regarding the Zani and Zania

2) What is Allah rule to shorten the prayer


Thank you

majortito wrote:
2- Bukhari was very strong in memorising so they wanted to test him, they brought 100 hadith including the Sanad and Matn but they mixed the Isnad with the Matn and they called for all onlookers to come and look, then Bukhari said, I don't know such 100 hadith, then he re-arranged them and recited them complete so the people were very impressd with his knowledge and favour

See, what I'm talking about, nothing regarding the Quran, all his experience were in the hearsay and Zun

majortito wrote:
3- Imam Bukhari was always considering any criteria (regarding the narrators) except not being injust, and he was keen to hear the hadith directly himself not reading from a book or similar

That does not make what he posted in his books defaming Allah and the prophets to be true

majortito wrote:
As for you saying that the Quran is enough, then tell me how many rakaa salat al Asr has? and is it from Al Quran?

Haha, the same Tom and Jerry argument that I replied to many times, please be patient and your Salat argument will be demolished

majortito wrote:
I'm sure you read in the Quran: "And He taught him the book and wisdom", can you tell me what wisdom is, O respected sir?

The Hikmah that does not contradict the Quran, nor your hearsay hikmah that violates the Quran, why donlt you reply to the Quran verses I posed instead of talking emotionaly?

majortito wrote:
And I say to you that I'm so little to defend Imam Bukhari and the sunnah of the master of the children of Adam (Mohammed) peace and prayer be upon him

If you are as such then you really need to shut up, you have presenetd nothing to refute my very well written article, please refute ot just watch

majortito wrote:
And an advice to you O Engineer, to learn about Islam, or Engineering is enough for you

LOL, it looks like it is you who hardly know what Islam is, just a typical silly reply by those who have nothing to say



Again, as you can see, absiutely nothing of a value rather clear cut bitching by those Mushrikoon

I seek refuge by Allah

Post Posted:
Sat 19 Apr, 2008 10:19 pm
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Salam brothers and sisters

Look at the silly and emotional reply that I got today from those people on Amr Adib wen site:

majortito wrote:
حقيقة اقولها ولن اعيدها هذا إرهاب فكري
ولو سمحتم ملكوش دعوة بالاسلام والمسلمين

It simply means:

I will state a truthful fact and I won't repeat it again, this is the terrorism of thoughts
and please leave Islam and Muslims alone

and this is how I replied:

Ahmed says:

اي اسلام الذي تتكلم عنه

الاسلام في القران الذي انزله الله منذ اكثر من 1400 سنة

او الاسلام الذي نراه اليوم


Which means:

Which Islam you are talking about

Is it the Islam Allah sent down in the Quran more than 1400 years ago

or Islam as we see it now days?

They have absolutely nothing to say, man

I seek refuge by Allah
Post Posted:
Mon 21 Apr, 2008 8:47 am
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Good morning all

Yesterday I had a heated but friendly live debate with a sunni from his name is User", he is actually a very nice guy as well sounds knowledgeable, the discussion happened on Windows Live as he requested, so we had a long discussion regarding the following:

Ahmed said in his article Tas-hih Al Bukhari

What really puzzles me that the order was clear that we should rule with what Allah has revealed, that was not something new with the religion of Islam, it was the exact same order for the previous people (They should have ruled with what Allah revealed to them) whom they had no books of hearsay hadith that describe to them what their prophets were doing in their daily life, like having sex with their wives for example or having a bath with their wives while they had their periods. no doubt that such non sense by Bukhari which he included in his hearsay book contradict the Quran, Allah is telling us to totally avoid our wives when they are having the period yet Bukhari is telling us that he heard some people saying that Mohammed was bathing with his wives while they had the period, Bukhari even dared to include in his foolish non sense book that he heard someone saying that he heard that the prophet was even covering their bottom half and approaching them through the top half while they were having the period, here is what Allah told us to do when our wives are having the period:

And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a harm; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves.

[The Quran ; 2:222]

وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْمَحِيضِ قُلْ هُوَ أَذًى فَاعْتَزِلُواْ النِّسَاء فِي الْمَحِيضِ وَلاَ تَقْرَبُوهُنَّ حَتَّىَ يَطْهُرْنَ فَإِذَا تَطَهَّرْنَ فَأْتُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ أَمَرَكُمُ اللّهُ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ (222)

-> See how it is presented in 2:222, Allah is telling us that the people asked Mohammed about menstruation, And they ask you about menstruation. , so the Teacher of Mohammed (Allah) is teaching Mohammed to reply to them as follow: Say: It is a harm; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean;, three Arabic words are used that irrefutably indicate that we should never come near them while they have the period, the words are : أَذًى , اعْتَزِلُواْ and لاَ تَقْرَبُوهُنَّ, Azza, Iettazilu and La Taqrabuhunna, i.e. harm, keep aloof from and do not go near them , at least these words mean that we should never approach them for any sexual desire while they are having the period.

Therefore, if Mohammed was taught as such by Allah in 2:222 then Mohammed suppose to have taught the people as such after they asked him ( they ask you about menstruation), (Say), then how come mister Bukhari wants us to believe his authenticated hearsay that he included in his sahih book which clearly show that the prophet was doing the opposite:

Here is a Bukhari hearsay hadith telling us the Mohammed was reading the Quran while leaning on Ayshas legs when she was sitting down and while she had the period:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Here is my poor translation to it:

Abu Naim Alfadl Bin Dakin TOLD us that he HEARD Zuhaira SAYIINS about Mansour Bin Saffiah that his mother TOLD him that Aysha TOLD her:

The prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) was leaning on my legs when I sat down while I had the period then he used to read Al Quran

Hmmmm, so the prophet was so desperate to read the Quran while leaning on Aysha legs who was sitting and having her period, possibly the prophet was reading verse 2:222 above?, well what else I can say?, yeh here is something I have to say:

Who the hell is Abu Naim Alfadl Bin Dakin? (Abu Naim Alfadl Bin Dakin TOLD us)

And who the hell is us? (Abu Naim Alfadl Bin Dakin TOLD us)

And who the hell is Zuhaira? (that he HEARD Zuhaira)

And who the hell is Mansour Bin Saffiah? (SAYIINS about Mansour Bin Saffiah)

And who Saffiah? (that his mother TOLD him)

Can you see the chain of HEASAY?

Well, some hadith advocates may defend the above non sense and say but that was not sex, it was something noble which is reading the Quran (yep reading 2:222), ok lets look at the next one in Sahih Bukhari:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Here is my poor translation to it:

Qubaisah TOLD us that Suffian Bin Mansour SAID about Ibrahim who SAID about Alaswad, who SAID Aysha SAID:

I was bathing with the prophet (Salla Allahu Allaihi Wa Sallam) from the same water container and both of us were JUNUB, and he used to order me to cover my bottom half and approach me while Im having the period, he also used to get his head out for me to wash it while he was MUTTAKKIF and I was also having the period

Now this is disgusting and has to be a clear cut lie, not only that this Bukhari hearsay tell us that the prophet violated 2:222 which he supposed to have taught the people and himself, but it also portray Aysha as a non decent wife who was talking about sexual secrets between herself and her husband to strangers.

What makes total non sense is this, as if the prophet while he was MUTTAKKIF (seeking refuge by Allah in isolation), needed someone to wash his head, as if he cant wash his head alone.

Again can you see the chain of HEARSAY?

My regular inquiry stands, who the hell are those new people, Qubaisah, us, Suffian Bin Mansour , Ibrahim and Alaswad?

The above non sense was repeated by Bukhari in his sahih but through different chain of hearsayers whom we absolutely know nothing about but more hearsay, Bukhari wants us to take what they said for granted:
Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

Here is my poor translation to it:

Abu Alnumaan TOLD us that Abdul Wahid TOLD us that Shaibani SAID that Abdullah Bin Shaddad SAID that he HEARD Maimoona used to SAY:

The prophet (Sallah Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), if he wanted to approach any of his wives (for foreplay), he orders her to cover her bottom half while she is having the period

What a load of non sense man, that has to be an image of a sexual freak who deliberately violated 2:222 that he supposed to have used as an answer to those asking him about menstruation, Astaghfar Allah

If the above non sense is related in anyway to the Quran teachings, I say yes, it only contradicts the Quran in two aspects:

1) It violates 2:222
2) It violates what Allah told us about Mohammed that he was conforming himself to sublime morality.

End of quote

Brother User suggested that 2:222 means that we should not approach our wives for intercourse while they are having their periods, however we may approach them through their top half, like kissing, hugging, fondling, etc etc, in this case the alleged two hadith above can not be a violation by the prophet to 2:222, he suggested that in the past men used to stay away from their wives in disgust if their wives have the period, so the verse was revealed to correct their wrong and demeaning attitude towards women who have their periods, sort of the verse 2:222 is to defend the women that they are not that dirty when they have their period, sort of to encourage men to approach (if they desire) their wives through any other mean but having intercourse.

Brother User suggested to me that this is what the Tafsir alleged and we should listen to them because they are Ulamaa (scholars), in a way, if you are not one of the Ulamaa then you have no say regarding the subject and you should follow what those Ulamaa say regardless it makes sense or not, as if, if they are wrong and we followed them, they will pay the penalty instead of us, makes no sense of course and greatly violates the Quran message which tells us that everyone is only responsible about the own self.

Well, I agree that some tafsires suggested what brother User stated, however other Tafsir also suggested what I stated which, we should not approach them at all if they have their periods, lets have a look:

. وَاخْتَلَفَ أَهْل الْعِلْم فِي الَّذِي يَجِب عَلَى الرَّجُل اعْتِزَاله مِنْ الْحَائِض , فَقَالَ بَعْضهمْ : الْوَاجِب عَلَى الرَّجُل اعْتِزَال جَمِيع بَدَنهَا أَنْ يُبَاشِرهُ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ بَدَنه . ذِكْر مَنْ قَالَ ذَلِكَ : 3393 - حَدَّثَنَا ابْن بَشَّار , قَالَ : ثنا حَمَّاد بْن مَسْعَدَةَ , قَالَ : ثنا عَوْف , عَنْ مُحَمَّد , قَالَ : قُلْت لِعُبَيْدَة : مَا يَحِلّ لِي مِنْ امْرَأَتِي إذَا كَانَتْ حَائِضًا ؟ قَالَ : الْفِرَاش وَاحِد , وَاللِّحَاف شَتَّى

Taken from:

A quick translation to the above:
The (Ulamaa) scholars have differed to what a man should avoid when his wife is having her period, some said that it should be all her body, i.e. he should not let his body touches her body, also Ibn Bashar said that Hamad Ibn Masaada said that Awf said that Mohammed (not the prophet) said: I said to Ubaida, what is allowed to me of my wife if she is having her period, he said, one bed and more than one blanket

As you have read above, some Ulamaa also suggested that 2:222 means, we should not touch our wives at all when the wives have the period, they even suggested that it is ok to share the bed with them as long as each one uses different blanket

From the above I have to honestly say that both (opposite) understanding must be valid, i.e.:

1) 50% that 2:222 means not to approach our wives in any way or manner when they have the period

2) 50% that 2:222 means not to have intercourse with them but it is ok to approach them in the top half for example, i.e. it is ok to touch them for sexual desire even if they have the period as long as no intercourse in the vagina or the anus

What can I say, now a verse that should be very clear, is not clear any more, due to the conflicting tafsirs, what the believers should do?, well it is certain they the believers must be divided, some may accept meaning # 1 (Im one of those) and others may accept meaning # 2

Actually after this debate I was a bit confused to how some Muslims defend something that can only cause harm (I will explain later), so I went to my wife and raised the subject with her and we discussed it for about an hour while having dinner, she confirmed to me (using her own logic) that both understandings must be valid, she was also the one who suggested that it has to be 50:50, and I have no problem to accept that I may be wrong if I go for meaning # 1 above, however it should be the same for those who go for meaing # 2, i.e. they may be wrong too,

The bottom line is this, when the believers hear many sayings, they should go for the best of it according to the Quran, lets have a look:

Those who listen to the QAWL, then follow the best of it; those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding.

[The Quran ; 39:18]

الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَاهُمُ اللَّهُ وَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ (18)

-> See, الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ , i.e. the verse is talking about Those who listen to the QAWL, then follow the best of it; , i.e. those who listen to the Sayings and follow the best of it, we have been told that they are the ones on true guidance: those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding. , can you see the words men of understanding. , while it is an accepted translation, the Arabic words means those who have BRAINS Aulu Al Albaab. i.e. those who listen to the sayings and follow the best of it are those whom Allah has guided them and they are the ones who have brains.

Now if we apply the above verse to the problem caused by the conflicting Mufasiroon in regards to what they said about verses 2:222, then meaning # 1 for verse 2:222 must be the best of the sayings, this is because of the following reasons:

1) If those following meaning # 1 are wrong then there should be no punishment for them, because 2:222 is not a forced law to approach the wives when they have the period, rather (If the men desire to approach them then they can, as long as not in the vagina nor in the anus) and in this case, those who are following meaning # 1, do not desire to approach their wives at all while the wives are having the period.

2) On the other hand for those who follow meaning # 2, but we discover on the JD that they are wrong, then they must be questionable because the verse is a forced law not to approach the wives while the wives are having their period

How clear is that?

Indeed it is safer to go for meaning # 1 because either way (wrong or right) there will be no punishment, the other party on the other hand must pay for their wrong understanding if it is wrong because they will be considered to have violated 2:222 by approaching their wives while the wives are having their period

You have to also consider that those who are defending meaning # 2, are only motivated to save Bukhari two hadith that allege that the prophet read the Quran while touching his wife who had her period, as well approaching his wives through their top half

Their reply to the above is the old apologetic excuse that the men in the past used to stay away from their wives when the wives have their period which is considered demeaning to the wives, some in the past even went to the extreme by living in different houses, the reality however is something else, despite there were those who stayed away from their wives when the wives had the period, there were plenty of those who approached their wives through the anus while the wives were having the period, in fact this is one of the main messages in 2:222 that we should not approach the wives through the anus regardless they have the period or not.

Indeed, there is no demeaning to my wife if I dont come near her (for sexual desire) if she has the period, in fact most of the women themselves if not all, feel very disgusted with themselves when they have their period, but I still eat with her in the same house, I still sleep next to her in the same bed using even the same blanket (in violation to the alleged tafsir above), and I even touch her (not for sex), like saying goodbye with a kiss when I go to work

What else I may say, man

Well, Allah will judge best between us in what we have differed


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Wed 19 Jun, 2013 5:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Thu 15 May, 2008 8:18 am
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Salam all

This is a very good article by (I believe Dr Ahmed Subhi Mansour) an Egyptian and Ex-Azhar professor who discovered the truth about the man made hadith, so he started attacking al-Azhar and exposing them, which resulted that he was oppressed and jailed so after he came out he fled to the USA and now lives in peace and freedom while continuing to expose Ahl Al-Sunnah and Shirk, some members from his family who still live in Egypt were also oppressed and jailed.

I think that this article is his, he does not write in English though, so when I found the article been translated by someone, I was encouraged to add it to this thread about Bukhari

Let me first clear one important point, while I agree with many of the things Dr Ahmed Mansour promote, I still disagree with him with quite a few other issues, yet I carry for him an enormous respect because he has the balls to expose the confused Muslims in the middle east, I do not think he reached the level that I have reached which is to accuse them of being Mushrikoon outright, hopefully he will inshaallah.

This article is very interesting and very well written in English, enjoy the read:

Al-Bukhari's methodology in portraying Prophet Mohammad's Personality

Originally published in Arabic by Ahl Al-Quran web site

On February 10-2009
Translated by Mohammad Dandan


A researcher or a reader in Sahih Al-Bukhari needs quite a bit of effort to find what he needs. For it has its unique feature that differentiates it from other books of Hadith (Reported sayings of the prophet-PBUH-). It is the scattering of the same Hadith among hundreds of chapters, sections and books, narrating it in different forms and with different Ascription (The supposedly uninterrupted chain of authorities on whom a tradition is based), and with different headings. Although the general method in Sahih Al-Bukhari is to arrange Hadiths juristically, yet the overlapping between subjects of discussions and Hadiths subjects of discussions and Hadiths renders this method futile.

Besides, Sahih Al-Bukhari lacks the organizational approach to the extent that a researcher, at first glance, would think that Al-Bukhari is not up to the standards of being an author, especially if his book was compared with other books of Hadiths and History contemporary to his time, like (Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd) and Sahih Muslim, both of which is better organized, arranged and sectioned. But with a discerning eye and a sagacious mind, a researcher can detect Al-Bukhari's shrewdness through this intended chaos in his bookby which certain Hadiths are distributed among heaps of other Hadiths which sound quite good, fine and well intentioned. And by doing so, those Hadiths that Al-Bukhari scatters among thousand others, he expresses his own conviction and his impression of Islam, and by which he tried to tarnish the image and reputation of the prophet (PBUH), exploiting every opportunity to re-introduce them under different headings derived from its own subjects. He used to labor to coin those headings which points to the real intention for re-mentioning it.

If you wanted to assassinate an adversary by poison, it is inconceivable that you bring him a glass full of poison and ask him to drink it. It is more reasonable that you bring him a glass of honey laced with enough poison to get the job done. This is exactly what Al-Bukhari has done. He placed his concentrated poison in the middle of thousands of harmless Hadiths, some of which say something positive, and others do not say much at all. He made sure to plant some Hadiths that praise and laud the prophet, with special attention to Hadiths narrated by Abu Hureira that urge and exhort obedience to the Sultan, any Sultan, thereby guaranteeing that his Sahih will always receive protection from governing authority, why shouldn't be so, and Al-Bukhari always warns against sedition, discord, dissension and strife against the Sultan.

This organized chaos in Sahih Al-Bukhari has its own methodology; we will get acquainted with through one Hadith that he scattered in the folds of his book.

Hadith Um Haram, which Al-Bukhari fabricated claiming that the prophet (PBUH) used to enter her home and sleep there. He dispersed it through different locations of his book, and narrated it in different forms; it was obvious that he would take any opportunity to narrate it listing it under any title. We give few examples to illustrate:

Within the chapter titled (Calling for jihad and martyrdom for men and women), Al-Bukhari narrates it as follows:

'The prophet used to go in on Um Haram Bint Melhan, she would feed him, and Um Haram was married to Ubada Ibn A-Ssaamit, the messenger (PBUH), entered her place, she fed him and deloused his hair, then messenger of Allah(PBUH), fell asleep, then he woke up laughing, she said: I said what makes you laugh O messenger of Allah?, he said ,people from my Umma ,I saw them fighting in the cause of Allah , they ride the waves of this sea, kings on their thrones, or like kings on their thrones, Iss-haaq doubted, she said: I said O messenger of Allah, ask Allah to include me with them, messenger of Allah prayed for her, then he rested his head, then he woke up laughing, I said what makes you laugh O messenger of Allah? He said people from my Umma, I saw them fighting in the cause of Allah, as he said in the first time, she said: I said O messenger of Allah, ask Allah to make me one of them, he said, you are one of the firsts, so I rode the sea during the time of Mu'aaweya Ibn Abi Sufyaan, she fell off her animal when she exited the sea and died

The funny part in this is the fact that the narrator of this Hadith is Um Haram herself, who the Hadith describes as dead at the end of the narration, meaning she probably narrated it after her death.

Two pages later, Al-Bukhari narrates the same Hadith with slight adjustment, under a new title 'Section in the merit and preference of those who fight in the cause of Allah, and perish, then he is one of them

( It was narrated by Um Haram that she said, the prophet slept one day close by me, then he woke up smiling, I said what makes you laugh? He said people from my Umma, I saw them riding this green sea, as if kings on their beds, she said ask Allah to make me one of them, he prayed for her, then he slept again, then he did the same, she said what she said before, he answered her likewise, she said ask Allah to make me one of them, he said you are one of the firsts. She accompanied her husband Ubada Ibn A-Ssaamit on an expedition. It was the first time the Muslims rode the sea with Mu'aaweya, upon their return from war, back to Syria; her riding animal jumped her killing her.

And under a new title 'Section of Women's invasion at sea , Al-Bukhari narrates 'messenger of Allah entered Ibnet Milhan place, he reclined, then he laughed, she said why are you laughing O messenger of Allah, he said people from my Umma ride the green seaetc.

Under another title, 'Section of what it has been said in fighting the Byzantines

Al-Bukhari relates the same story in a different form, going like this:

Someone came to Ubada Bin A-Ssaamit when he was in Humms, in a building with his wife Um Haram who related the Hadith, 'The first army from my Umma to invade by sea, their rewards are guaranteed, Um Haram said: I said O messenger of Allah am I with them? He said: you are with themetc.

Then under the heading 'Whoever visits others and takes a nap at their placeAl-Bukhari relates the Hadith in the original form, exactly.

And regardless of differences in forms of narrating of the Hadith, what Al-Bukhari intends to, becomes deep-rooted in the subconscious of the reader, the gist of the Hadith and its general perimeter, which is, the prophet used to go in on Um Haram, sleeps at her place, eats there, drinks there and delouses him too, the rest of incidental extras are but touchups to fortify the principal idea and help the reader swallow it hook, line and sinker.

Al-Bukhari has a unique methodology in composing those narrations. He is keen to finalize the dramatic plot for his narration. This skill manifests itself the best in his composition of the story accusing Ayesha (Prophet's wife) of unsavory behavior, traditionally referred to as Hadith Al-Ifk (Gossip of Untruths). This story is testimonial to his ability in dramatic writing, where the star roles, the secondary roles, stage help, evil characters, the prominent actors representing good causes, with tears, the ooh's, the aah's, the wronged wife, bewildered father, devastated mother, the husband beset by rumors hounding his beloved one, unable to believe in any of it.then the grand finaleeveryone is relievedincluding the reader. The shrewdness of Al-Bukhari is in the formation of his style as he composes each narration considering its particular conditions. For he has a goal in composing that narration, and the story comes to fulfill that goal. We will get acquainted with Al-Bukhari's skill in this narration that he ascripted to Anas (That Um Seleem used to spread a cot for the prophet (PBUH), to take a nap at her place, and when he would fall asleep, should would collect his sweat in a little bottle, save some of his hair that fell off, then she gathered everything in a little sac. When Anas Bin Malik drew nearer to his death, he asked to have some of that stuff in the sac included in his shroud.) Al-Bukhari delivered what he wanted in the very beginning of the narration, which is, the prophet (PBUH) used to sleep at Um Seleem, and she used to collect his sweat and hair while he was asleep, and he would leave the rest to the reader's imagination. The rest of the story is nothing but to serve the initial part of it.

The same method was used by Al-Bukhari in the case of Um Haram. He started by stated the objective of the narration, which is the entry of the prophet (PBUH) into her house in the absence of her husband and him sleeping there. He followed his hidden purpose with a long story about the vision he had while asleep, Jihad, sailing the seas, then the death of Um Haram. The reader is absorbed with details, dreams and stories about the unknown, and what happened to Um Haram, and he swallows from the beginning what Al-Bukhari intended for him to swallow and the issue is reduced to tidbits about what Um Haram, and not what the story hints at the prophet's character.

It is symptomatic of Al-Bukhri's slyness, for him to make the narrative plot, tied to the original topic and founded on it, for the prophet (PBUH) had to have slept at Um Haram's home, in order for him to see a dream, and tell her what is going to happen in the future. And he had to have slept at Um Seleem's, for her to collect his sweat and hair, later on to be given to Anas to seek blessing by placing it in his death-shroud. One would think, couldn't Anas have been able to collect the sweat and hair, during the time he served the prophet (PBUH) for ten years? And he would not have needed Um Seleem or her troubles? But if that were to take place, then would he have the chance to tarnish the prophet's character?

Al-Bukhari has a special method of choosing those words that suggest what ultimately he intends, it reflects itself in the type of his writings of the primary goal of his narration and his choice of terminology, that deliberate, intended choice.

We noticed his main objective in the story of Um Haram was mentioned in the very beginning, when he said 'The messenger of Allah used to go to Um Haram Bint Melhan, and she would feed him. Um Haram was the wife of Ubada Ibn A-Ssaamit, The prophet (PBUH), went in ,she fed him ,deloused him, he fell asleep(PBUH), then he woke up laughing up till now, the purpose has been set, the rest is nothing more than to serve that end and provide a cover.

Let us identify Al-Bukhari's method in choosing the words that exemplifies a profound shrewdness in fulfilling his objective in tarnishing the prophet's image.

He says: 'The prophet used to enter in upon Um Haram Bint Melhan, meaning he (got in the habit) of entering upon this lady who was neither a wife nor a mehrem (a person you cannot marry, due to familial or other marital constrictions), he sayshe used to enter upon Um Haram Bint Melhan and she would feed himhere he descends with the prophet to the lowest forms of allegory by comparing him to (whoever) enters a home to be fed and watered, or to the lowest forms of allegory by comparing him to(whatever) enters a home to be fed and watered. Our Islamic manners prohibit us from openly saying what Al-Bukhari is alluding to by choosing such an expression.

Then he saysUm Haram was the wife of Ubada Bin A-SsaamitHere you can clearly see the ill-intentions of Al-Bukhari he wants us to understand unequivocally that, that lady the prophet used to enter her home was married to one of his companions, perhaps if he was well intentioned, he would have said that the prophet used to enter the home of Ubada Bin A-Ssaamit then there would be no room for allegations, hinting or assumptions, but this is what Al-Bukhari does not want to happen, he purposely said that Um Haram (whom the prophet used to enter in upon) was the wife of Ubada Bin A-Ssamit. This hint is fundamental in fulfilling the goal he started his narration with, and the rest is nothing but ornament towards that objective.

Notice that Al-Bukhari did not mention the name of Ubada Bin A-Ssaamit in this narration except to consolidate every word or digression or incidental sentence to serve his original goal. Then he repeats the expression about the prophet entering upon that woman, and repetition is an important factor in emphasizing suggestion and enforcing the psychological impact of such an expression. He says 'the messenger of Allah entered in on her and she fed him and he said right before that 'The messenger of Allah used to enter in upon Um Haram Bint Melhan and she would feed him, then he says 'She fed him then deloused his hair. He does not put that statement for naught, especially after he told us that that Um Haram was the wife of Ubada Bin A-Ssaamit, who was not present at the time, of course. Al-Bukhari leaves us, after these blatant suggestions, to imagine what it means for a man to be alone with a married woman in her home, while her husband was absent, She feeds him and delouses his hair, no barriers between them, she treats him as a husband, delouses his hair, a hidden allegations about lice and cleanliness, and the shortcomings of the prophet's wives (The Mothers of The Believers) towards him and his needs.Then he says ' she started delousing his hair, so messenger of Allah fell asleep then woke up. The reader will innocently askwhere did the prophet sleep? And how did he go to sleep while the woman is delousing him? Thousands of questions revolving around one subject or goal, and that is what Al-Bukhari intended exactly.

Al-Bukhari was fascinated with choice of sexually over toned words, even if the course of the narration does not require or bear it. In a Hadith, he says about Aisha 'Abu Bekr scolded me and poked me in my side; the only reason that prevented me from moving was the position of the messenger of Allah and his head being on my thigh. That was all to it. Al-Bukhari did not mention the reason for the scolding, because what was important for him was to prove to us that the messenger used to sleep with his head on Aisha's thigh.The same emphasis on denuding the prophets in our minds, and to invade the privacy and sanctity of the prophet, For that reason, Al-Bukhari listed this Hadith alone under a title he coined from the subject matter of the Hadith, only to pass that sexual innuendo, even more, his infatuation with those sexual hints made him modify those narrations about the prophet's death to a series of narrations especially woven to portray how the prophet used to lay down at the time of his death in proximity of Aisha's body, as if there is worse time to depict that scene with such words or lowly suggestions. And of course, Al-Bukhari attributed those narrations to Aisha, we give few examples here:

'And when he complained, and his departure approached, his head resting on Aisha's thigh, he fainted''Abdurrahman Bin Abi Bekr entered upon the prophet with my chest, his resting place--- 'and she used to say : he died between my midriff and my neck ---

'Some of the blessings of Allah upon me are the death of the messenger of Allah in my home, on my day, and between my neck and my stomach---Al-Bukhari repeated those narrations many times while chasing the prophet with that style of narration even on his death bed, at his last moments on this earth.

And in Hadith dealing with jurisprudence matters, Al-Bukhari made sure to follow a style of contradiction. He adhered to putting contradicting Hadith in the same location, under same title, to prompt the reader to compare and lead the reader to accuse the prophet of saying contradictory Hadiths, or have the reader develop doubts about Sharee'a and religion'as long as he considers those Hadiths as inspiration, or have doubts about rituals, especially since contradictory issues, included prayers and purification.

At the same time, Al-Bukhari did not forget his hobby of using suggestive terms in jurisprudence Hadiths, for Al-Bukhari relates that 'the prophet used to lead us in prayers on the outskirts of Al-Medina, with a goat roaming around him, Zuhr two Ruk'a (segment, portion of ritual prayer), Asr, two Ruk'a, a woman, or a donkey would pass in front him, The intention of Al-Bukhari is to throw doubts about the number of Ruk'aand in order for people not to assume that the prophet used to shorten Zuhr and Asr prayers, by praying two Ruk'a each, we see that Al-Bukhari placed a goat in front of the prophet while praying, then he depicts the donkey and the woman as walking in front of him while praying, and the intention is to create a calm peaceful atmosphere ,not an atmosphere of travel or with sense of danger, especially since he specified the location as the outskirts of Al-Medina ,where conditions are normal, with goats roaming freely, donkeys moving about in front of people praying and women strolling peacefully in front of the prophet and those praying with him.

This is how Al-Bukhari coins those suggestive expressions with deep cunning setups to serve his purpose of defaming the prophet of Islam, yet exhibiting innocence that fooled everyone for over a thousand years. With that innocence and the ability to fabricate, Al-Bukhari succeeded in creating a counterfeited personality for the prophet (PBUH), two centuries after his departure.

The peculiar thing about Al-Bukhari's personality is Al-Bukhari himself. With all his popularity, he is in reality obscure. All we know about his Persian roots is that he is the descendent of Berzewieh, and as customary back then, he acquired an Arab patronage and an Arab name, as practiced during the Abbasid period. In his biography, nothing is mentioned about his upbringing, his family, his social status. All there is the names of those he heard Hadiths from, and names of those who heard Hadiths from him, and of course, his books. Those tidbits are not comparable to or suitable for his wide reputation, it does not live up to others' biographies, which fills pages about scholars who lived before and after him and never achieved his widespread notoriety, some even lived before the age of recording. Yet, biographies were abundant about them, with more detailed descriptions, well known to people, and easy to find. Ask any fair-minded researcher to compare the biography of Al-Hasan Al-Bessri of the Umayyad period, way before the age of recording, brimming with information about him, to that of Al-Bukhari, or the biography of Sa'eed Bin Al-Musayyib with its many filled pages of information with few pages of Al-Bukhari's. Of course I mean the biographies written by his contemporaries, not those who came later on, and worshipped him and everything he wrote, and composed volumes in his virtues and feats, fabrications that will startle the devil himself.

It sounds strange that Al-Bukhari who lived at the height of the recording age, and yet was not fortunate enough to have a biography that fits his era or his reputation that overwhelmed and spread far and wide later on.

Reason being that Al-Bukhari (Ibn Berzeweih), appeared suddenly carrying an Arab patronage and an Arabic name, to conspire against Islam with this book (Sahih Al-Bukhari) to score an intellectual and doctrinal victory over Islam, after his people, the Persians failed to defeat the Muslims during the Abbasid period.

The Persians were the ones who exhausted the Umayyad with successive rebellions, some of which were plain open revolts; others were under the banners of Ahl-Albeit, until they were successful in dismantling the Umayyad Dynasty. Abu Muslim Al-Khurasaani was the real founder of the Abbasid Dynasty and the most powerful figure in its ranks, which ignited the Caliph Al-Mensour's fears so he assassinated him. His followers revolted in Khurasaan under the leadership of his daughter Fatima Bint Abi Muslim Al-Khurasaani, but the Abbasid defeated them. The Persians revolted many times against the Abbasid, their efforts always ended in failure.

The Persians waged another form of war against the Arabs, a cultural, intellectual war , known traditionally as (Ash-shu'oobeyya'Non-Arab Populists--the believe in Islamic rather than Arab dominated commonwealth of nations), the most prominent among its leaders was Al-Hayythem Bin Adiyy, died in 207 Hijri, another definition for Shu'oobeyya, is to hate Arabs and be fanatic about Persian Ethnicity.

Al-Hayythem Bin Adiyy specialized in fabricating tales that defamed Arabs and their tribes. He used his knowledge of old tales, stories and poetry to revile Arabs and make up stories about their flaws. His most dangerous and effective methods were using poetry, anecdotes, storytelling and proverbs, all of these means were the most widespread and in use, but since most of those dealing with Hadiths and its authenticities, accused Al-Hayythem of fabricating and lying, his followers and students, ardent supporters of (Ash-shu'oobeyya-Non-Arab Populists), left Arab poetry and Arab lineage and concentrated on fabricating Hadiths and stories about prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his wives. They spread those lies, contradicting the Quran within what they labeled as Sunnah and prophetic biography. It is strange that most of the( Icons) and (High Priests) of Hadiths and oral Sunnah all appeared within a relatively short time, and all of them are of the Persian(Populists)They were more skillful and dangerous than Al-Hayythem, because they specialized in falsification of Islam by fabricating Hadiths and attributing it to the prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

To summarize; the populist movement led a literary war against the Arabs started with Hammad the storyteller, ended with Al-Hayythem Bin Adiyy in the first Abbasid era. After this attempt was uncovered, the populist movement, in the second Abbasid era, waged a war, not against the Arabs this time, but rather against Islam itself, as a response to extinguishing their repeated armed rebellions in Khurasaan. The populist movement succeeded in corrupting Islam through fabricated Hadiths and Narrations spread by Al-Hayythem Bin Adiyy's students, and if Al-hayythem died in 207 Hijri as an obscure weary unknown, one of his populist students, a Magi, succeeded beyond expectations, and became a mini-god sanctified by the riffraff of Muslims even today, although he has passed in 256 Hijri. He is Ibn Berzeweih, famous among us as Al-Bukhari, traced back to Bukhara in Khurasaan, the most anti Arab, anti Islam region in Persia.

Sowhat Abu Muslim Al-Khurasaani failed to accomplish militarily, and what Al-hayythem Bin Adiyy failed to implement culturally and historically, Ibn Berzeweih the Khurasaani, succeeded, popular with us as Al-Bukhari.

This way, Al-Bukhari managed to avenge, in the worst possible ways, for his people, his anti-Arab populist sentiment, from Islam and the prophet of Islam, and his vengeance is still ongoing, and in control, evident in what Al-Bukhari and his book represent as a religious importance in the hearts of millions of Muslims, who put his book ahead of the Quran, we were reared on this belief since infanthood, we swore by the book of Al-Bukhari in every matter, big or small, it became customary for people to say 'Did I make a mistake in Al-Bukhari?, meaning did I commit blasphemy? Because his book became the most sanctified, sacred, and nobody dared make a mistake while quoting Al-Bukhari.

It happened once, during a Quranic recitation at national Broadcasting Radio, one of the better known Recitors committed a mistake, when he was warned about, he became agitated and said, 'Did I make a mistake in Al-Bukhari?

I wonderDid I commit a mistake regarding Al-Bukhari too?

I do not think so.All I have done, was to read what Al-Bukhari had written, with open eyes, at a time when Muslims closed their eyes and their minds for a short period of time not exceeding twelve centuries.


Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Tue 31 Jan, 2012 9:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Muslim convicts Bukhari

Salam all

After recovering a bit from the shocking and sudden death of my dear nephew, I believe it is about time to start writing again. Even if only one person manages to understand the tough message behind my writings, I will be absolutely delighted and satisfied, while at the same if non other than myself could not comprehend its toughness, I will still be satisfied because at least it is myself who managed to comprehend it, and that is the minimum number I need for my satisfaction. Believe me guys, I will never promote what I write unless I believe in it 100%.

By now, many should know well that I believe that most Muslims of the world are believers while committing the crime of SHIRK at the same time. I have provided over the years so many compelling evidences from the Quran and their man made books of hearsay hadith to prove my accusation against them. NON WAS REFUTED DESPITE THAT MANY READ IT FROM OVER 130 countries all over the world.

But let me tell you something, regardless of all the evidences I provided, one really stands out, let's look at it again and again, I just love this verse:

وَمَا يُؤْمِنُ أَكْثَرُهُمْ بِاللَّهِ إِلَّا وَهُمْ مُشْرِكُونَ (106)
And most of them do not believe in Allah except while they are polytheists.
[Al Quran ; 12:106]

-> How compelling, the verse above certainly applies to the Muslims too; it should apply to all the people who claim to believe in Allah, i.e. most of those who claim to believe in Allah, are believers but while being Mushrikoon at the same time.

Today I will present to you another compelling evidence to prove their crime of shirk and confusion. Today's evidence is from Sahih Muslim. But before I walk you through it, you need to know something very important about Muslim who wrote Sahih Muslim. He was the student of Bukhari. Here is a bit more about him from Wikipedia:

Imam Muslim (Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj) was born in 202 AH in Naysabur, Iran into a Persian family (817/818CE) and died in 261AH (874/875CE) also in Nishapur. He traveled widely to gather his collection of ahadith (plural of hadith), including to Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Egypt. Out of 300,000 hadith which he evaluated, approximately 4,000 were extracted for inclusion into his collection based on stringent acceptance criteria. Each report in his collection was checked and the veracity of the chain of reporters was painstakingly established. Sunni Muslims consider it the second most authentic hadith collection, after Sahih Bukhari. However, it is important to realize that Imam Muslim never claimed to collect all authentic traditions as his goal was to collect only traditions that all Muslims should agree on about accuracy.

According to Munthiri, there are a total of 2200 hadiths (without repetition) in Sahih Muslim. According to Muhammad Amin, [1] there are 1400 authentic hadiths that are reported in other books, mainly the Six major Hadith collections.

Should you not ask yourself these questions after reading the above?

1- If the non Arab Bukhari made such excellent job in collecting hadith as they claim, why his student Muslim who was also non Arab needed to do the same?

2- If Muslim put in his man made book 4000 hadith out of 300,000 hadith, why he had to keep repeating 1800 hadith out of those 4000 hadith?

3- If the main objective of Muslim while collecting his hadith was to make sure that all Muslims agree on every hadith in his book, why there are only 1400 hadith out of the 4000 that were reported in all other 5 hadith books? Which means that there are 2600 hadith that were not agreed on by all other hadith writers in the other 5 books of hadith?

Very tough questions I tell you for those hadith worshippers. Let's now look at this compelling evidence from Sahih Muslim:

Thumbnail, click to enlarge.

The above hearsay was alleged by one who talked too much about the prophet, his name is Abi Saeed Al-Khadry. If you remember my article named Tas-hih Al-Bukhari ( ), you should remember the 6 hadith from Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (the friend of Bukhari) man made hadith book in which we read as allegred by the same narrator above that the prophet commanded the Muslims not to write anything he said except the Quran. It seems that Muslim decided to include one of those hadith (unlike his teacher Bukhari). So let's read it:

Abi Saeed Al-Kkadry alleged:

The messenger of Allah said: Do not write about me, and whoever wrote anything about me other than the Quran, then he should delete it. And talk about me and there should be no blame, and whoever lied about me (a guy named Hammam alleged that the prophet said 'deliberately'), then he would secure his seat in the fire.

End of hadith

How compelling. See how this hadith clearly exposes the hadith writers; it is like Allah made them convict themselves with their own hands. See the compelling command from the messenger as alleged above:

Do not write about me, and whoever wrote anything about me other than the Quran, then he should delete it.

A clear cut contradiction against the hadith writers, therefore they needed to come up with some excuses for their crime of disobeying the prophet. Let's read their many excuses as explained by Nawawi in his explanation to the above contradiction as recorded by Muslim in his man made book of hadith:

‏قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( لا تكتبوا عني غير القرآن , ومن كتب عني غير القرآن فليمحه ) ‏
‏قال القاضي : كان بين السلف من الصحابة والتابعين اختلاف كثير في كتابة العلم , فكرهها كثيرون منهم , وأجازها أكثرهم , ثم أجمع المسلمون على جوازها , وزال ذلك الخلاف . واختلفوا في المراد بهذا الحديث الوارد في النهي , فقيل : هو في حق من يوثق بحفظه , ويخاف اتكاله على الكتابة إذا كتب . وتحمل الأحاديث الواردة بالإباحة على من لا يوثق بحفظه كحديث
. ‏
‏وقيل : إن حديث النهي منسوخ بهذه الأحاديث , وكان النهي حين خيف اختلاطه بالقرآن فلما أمن ذلك أذن في الكتابة , وقيل : إنما نهى عن كتابة الحديث مع القرآن في صحيفة واحدة ; لئلا يختلط , فيشتبه على القارئ في صحيفة واحدة . والله أعلم

Let me translate the above (while adding my comments in brackets) so you see for yourself how silly and non sensible their excuses are:

Al-Qady said: There were many disagreements between the former Sahaba and their followers in writing down the knowledge.

(AB says: They are referring to their man made hadith as knowledge, you know the knowledge of the prophet sleeping with 9 or 11 wives one after the other and without having a bath in between, or the knowledge that Allah has 5 or 4 fingers. How manipulative these people are man)

Al-Qadi continued: Many of them hated to write the knowledge (the hadith), but most of them allowed it. Then all the Muslims allowed it and the disagreements were resolved.

(AB says: This must be a clear cut lie, we are not talking in here about a couple or 10 Muslims to resolve an issue between them, we are talking about hundreds of thousands -if not millions- at that time, and they already told us that many of the people back then hated to write the hadith as commanded by the prophet. How come all of a sudden all of them agreed then allowed it to happen?)

Al-Qadi continued: So they differed to whom such prohibition of writing the hadith should apply? It was said that it should only apply to those who have very good memory so that if he starts to write them, it will be feared that he relies on his writings. There are also many hadith stating to write the sayings of those whose memory were not trusted.

(AB says while laughing: Hahahahahahah, that was awesome joke man, so the hadith must apply to Bukhari then, he possessed awesome memory as they bloody alleged about him, and he wrote the hadith like no one before or after him, consequently their explanation must convict Bukhari of disobeying the prophet.)

(Yet, who said that the hadith should be memorised from the first place? Certainly not Allah. See how Iblis is confusing them in their religion. They created a man made law of memorising the man made hadith and writing it from those whose memory were not trusted, then they tried to justify their invention with nothing but clear cut non sense)

Al-Qadi continued: And it was said that the above hadith which prohibits writing the hadith was abrogated, because it was only for the fear of mixing the hadith with the Quran. But after the writing of the Quran was secured, writing the hadith was allowed.

(AB says: Another stupid apology, firstly no one can mix the man made hadith with the divine words of Allah, both are easily distinguishable from each other, at least we do not read any chain of narrators in the Quran, or do we?

See also, how they were forced to invent such crap that is called Nasikh and Mansookh to cover up their embarrassment for such clear cut contradiction concerning writing their man made hadith and disobeying the prophet. In fact, the freaks submitted to Iblis in such submissive way that they even dared to abrogate the verses of the Quran according to their own low desires.)

Al-Qadi continued: And it was said that the above hadith which prohibits writing the hadith means not to write the Quran and hadith on the same paper so no confusion arises. Allah knows best.

(AB says: So if Allah knows best to the reason of prohibiting writing the hadith, why they confused us with all such crap of non sensible excuses:

Firstly, writing the hadith was only prohibited to those who have excellent memory like Bukhari, hahahaha

Secondly, writing the hadith was only prohibited during writing the Quran, then this hadith was abrogated after the writing of the Quran was completed.

Thirdly, writing the hadith was only prohibited if it was written on the same paper as the Quran.

Fourthly, Allah knows best.

Simply, they do not know why the prophet prohibited writing the hadith as alleged in their own man made written hadith. They are only following conjectures to justify their crimes of shirk and not obeying the prophet:

قُلْ هَلْ مِن شُرَكَآئِكُم مَّن يَهْدِي إِلَى الْحَقِّ قُلِ اللّهُ يَهْدِي لِلْحَقِّ أَفَمَن يَهْدِي إِلَى الْحَقِّ أَحَقُّ أَن يُتَّبَعَ أَمَّن لاَّ يَهِدِّيَ إِلاَّ أَن يُهْدَى فَمَا لَكُمْ كَيْفَ تَحْكُمُونَ (35)
وَمَا يَتَّبِعُ أَكْثَرُهُمْ إِلاَّ ظَنًّا إَنَّ الظَّنَّ لاَ يُغْنِي مِنَ الْحَقِّ شَيْئًا إِنَّ اللّهَ عَلَيمٌ بِمَا يَفْعَلُونَ (36)

35: Say: Is there any of your associates who guides to the truth? Say: Allah guides to the truth. Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not guide unless he is guided? So what is that with you, how do you judge?

36: And most of them do not follow but conjecture; indeed conjecture will not avail against the truth at all; indeed Allah is all-Knowing of what they do.

[Al Quran ; 10:35-36]



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Wed 13 Jan, 2010 6:31 pm
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Salam all

Here is hadith worshipper Abi Dawoud convicting himself, Bukhari and all hadith worshippers of the crime of disobeying the prophet by writing the prophet hadith in man made books next to the Quran. It is really striking that Allah made such bunch of Mushrik Muslims to convict themselves through their own writings.

The hadith is from سنن أبي داود , Sunan Abi Dawoud:

حدثنا نصر بن علي أخبرنا أبو أحمد حدثنا كثير بن زيد عن المطلب بن عبد الله بن حنطب قال
دخل زيد بن ثابت على معاوية فسأله عن حديث فأمر إنسانا يكتبه فقال له زيد إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أمرنا أن لا نكتب شيئا من حديثه فمحاه

Zayd Ibn Thabit entered upon Muawyah, so Mu'wayah asked him about a hadith then ordered a guy to write it, so Zayd Ibn Thabit said:

The messenger of Allah COMMANDED us not to write anything from his hadith.

So they deleted what they wrote of hadith.

End of hadith

-> See how Mu'awyah (the corrupt khalifah) ordered a guy to write the hadith, then Zayd told him: The messenger of Allah COMMANDED us not to write anything from his hadith.. So they deleted it.

This means that all these man made books of crap hadith must be deleted and burnt, otherwise those hadith worshippers cannot be obeying the prophet.

Another slam against the hadith worshippers and Mushrik Muslims


Post Posted:
Wed 19 May, 2010 6:08 pm
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So far this is one of the best article to prove that the only hadith authorized by God is Quran. ...

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Tue 15 Mar, 2011 11:19 am
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كاتب سعودي:النبي تزوج عائشة وعمرها 19عاماً وليس 9 أعوام

12:27:41 ص 02/ربيع الثاني/1431 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة

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الكاتب السعودي صالح إبراهيم الطريقي

كل الوطن - متابعات :قال كاتب سعودي ان ما يردده قضاة عن مسألة زواج النبي من عائشة وهي ابنة التاسعه من عمرها غير صحيح فالنبي تزوجها وهي ابنة الـ19 ربيعا.

وفجر الكاتب السعودي جدلا واسع في اوساط المجتمع واروقة وزارة العدل عندما تناول قضية زواج الرسول عليه السلام من عائشة بنت ابي بكر رضي الله عنها وهي الحجة التي كان ولازال القضاة في المملكة يتحجوا فيها بقضية تزويج الصغيرات بناء على أن الرسول تزوج عائشه وهي ابنة التسع اعوام.

الكاتب السعودي صالح إبراهيم الطريقي اثار القضاة في عملية حسابية اظهر من خلالها العمر الفعلي لزواج الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم من عائشة بنت ابي بكر رضي الله عنها مخالفا ما تردد بكونها ابنة التسع سنوات فيما يؤكد الطريقي ان عمرها عند زواجها 19 عاما من خلال عملية حسابية تناولها في مقالة المنشور في صحيفة "عكاظ" .

وقال الكثير يتحجج بأن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم تزوج من عائشة رضي الله عنها وعمرها 9 سنوات، واوضح قائلا:حسنا دعونا نحسب الأمر بالتاريخ بين بنات أبي بكر رضي الله عنه؟

أسماء بنت أبي بكر رضي الله عنها أكبر من عائشة رضي الله عنها بعشر سنوات، توفيت عام 73هـ عن عمر يناهز المائة عام، فيما عائشة توفيت عام 57هـ.

لنفترض أن أسماء هي من توفيت عام 57هـ، هذا يعني أن عمرها سيكون 84 عاما، أي عائشة كان عمرها حين توفيت 74 عاما، ودخل عليها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم عام 2 للهجرة، الآن لنحذف 55 عاما من عمر عائشة رضي الله عنها، سيكون عمرها عند دخوله عليها 19 عاما.

وقال الطريقي متسألا :هل يعقل أن وزارة العدل إلى الآن لا تفكر بإصدار قرار يمنع زواج القاصرات؟

فالمستشار في وزارة العدل ومدير عام الإدارة العامة لمأذوني الأنكحة الشيخ محمد بن عبدالرحمن البابطين يؤكد أن الأمر مازال يدرس بين وزارتي العدل والصحة، ثم يكشف ، عن دراسة تجريها الوزارة لوضع قيود وشروط على زواج صغيرات السن.

مشيرا الى ان هذا القرار قد يعني أن فكرة المنع غير واردة نهائيا، وأن كل ما في الأمر وضع شروط وقيود قبل أن يقوم مأذون الأنكحة بعقد قران تلك الطفلة على ثلاثيني أو ستيني أو ثمانيني.

و أشار إلى أن هذه تواريخ مدونة في أغلب كتب التاريخ تتحدث فيها عن عمر أسماء وعائشة رضي الله عنهما، والأرقام تدحض مقولة إن سيد الخلق صاحب الرسالة الخالدة تزوج من عائشة وعمرها 9 سنوات.

وقال ثمة دليل آخر يلغي فكرة زواجه من طفلة، فالرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وفي ريعان شبابه ارتبط بأم المؤمنين خديجة رضى الله عنها، التي تكبره بخمسة عشر عاما، ولم يبحث عن فتاة شابة وصغيرة ليجدد فراشه كما يردد أولئك الذين يريدون شرعنة اغتصاب الأطفال.

وكانت قضية تزويج الصغيرات قد اثيرت في السعودية منذ 3 اعوام واظهر الاعلام المحلي العديد من القضايا المعلقه في المحاكم السعودية جراء تزويج الفتيات الصغيرات لمسنين .

وتبرز ظاهرة تزويج الفتيات في سن دون السادسه عشر في قرى وهجر المملكة الا ان هئية حقوق الانسان في السعودية باتت تتولى حملات ضد هذه الظاهرة واصفه تزويجهن بهذه السن بالاعتداء عليهن.

Ahmed says:

This is what Bukhari told us about Aysha's age when she married the prophet:

حدثني فروة بن أبي المغراء حدثنا علي بن مسهر عن هشام عن أبيه عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت
تزوجني النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأنا بنت ست سنين فقدمنا المدينة فنزلنا في بني الحارث بن خزرج فوعكت فتمرق شعري فوفى جميمة فأتتني أمي أم رومان وإني لفي أرجوحة ومعي صواحب لي فصرخت بي فأتيتها لا أدري ما تريد بي فأخذت بيدي حتى أوقفتني على باب الدار وإني لأنهج حتى سكن بعض نفسي ثم أخذت شيئا من ماء فمسحت به وجهي ورأسي ثم أدخلتني الدار فإذا نسوة من الأنصار في البيت فقلن على الخير والبركة وعلى خير طائر فأسلمتني إليهن فأصلحن من شأني فلم يرعني إلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ضحى فأسلمتني إليه وأنا يومئذ بنت تسع سنين

I.e. Bukhari transmitted lies to us in his man made book of hadith. Unfortunattely for Bukhari, his man made books of hadith told us that whoever transmitts lies, must be a liar like the first liars


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Sat 16 Jul, 2011 10:44 am
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Post subject: Photographers beware! Reply with quote  

بَاب عَذَابِ الْمُصَوِّرِينَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ
5606 حَدَّثَنَا الْحُمَيْدِيُّ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ حَدَّثَنَا الْأَعْمَشُ عَنْ مُسْلِمٍ قَالَ كُنَّا مَعَ مَسْرُوقٍ فِي دَارِ يَسَارِ بْنِ نُمَيْرٍ فَرَأَى فِي صُفَّتِهِ تَمَاثِيلَ فَقَالَ سَمِعْتُ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ إِنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَذَابًا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ الْمُصَوِّرُونَ

LXXXVII. The punishment of those who make images on the Day of Rising

5606. Al-A'mash related that Muslim said, "We were with Masruq in the house of Yasir ibn Numayr and he saw some statues on his veranda and said, 'I heard 'Abdullah say, "I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'The people with the worse punishment with Allah on the Day of Rising will be those who make images."

Now this is just comedy, folks! This claims that Allah is so angry with people who make, draw or creat pictures that they would receive the harshest punishment on the day of judgement. See how they absolve and lessen the crimes of murderers, rapists, pedophiles, liars...?
Post Posted:
Sun 29 Jan, 2012 1:15 am
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