Post subject: The World's Main Places of Pilgrimage
A guide to some of the world's main places of pilgrimage.
April 30, 2007 issue - Traditional pilgrimages are drawing ever-increasing throngs. Every year, tens of millions of people of many faiths take spiritual journeys that are becoming increasingly important both to pious and nonpious alike. From Lourdes to Our Lady of Guadalupe, from Jerusalem to Lhasa, from Mecca to Mariambad, the travelers embark on what Phil Cousineau, author of �??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¬�???????The Art of Pilgrimage�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¬�??????�?????�????�???�??�?� calls �??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¬�???????a transformative journey to a sacred center.�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¬�??????�?????�????�???�??�?� Some of the main pilgrimage routes and sites around the world:
LAC ST. ANNE, Canada
Fifty miles west of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Every July, tens of thousands of pilgrims flock to this lake named for St. Anne, traditionally identified as the grandmother of Jesus.
CHIMAYO, between Santa Fe and Taos, N.M.
Each year during Holy Week, thousands of people make a pilgrimage to Chimay�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�³ to visit the Santuario, and take away a bit of the sacred dirt.
MORMON TRAIL, from Nauvoo, Il., to Salt Lake City, Utah.
This trail follows the steps of Brigham Young, who relocated the Mormon community after the people of Nauvoo drove them out.
From Juazeiro do Norte following 530 kilometers (about 320 miles) in the backlands of Cear�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¡, in northeast Brazil, to the shrine of Padre Cicero. Every year 2 million people visit his shrine, many
bearing crosses and climbing the long stone stairs to the monument on their bleeding knees.
A 140-day walk to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, including a stop along the way at Queretaro de Arteaga.
The most-visited shrine in Brazil and one of the most popular in the Roman Catholic world. Pope Benedict XVI will visit this shrine in May.
The Way of St. James connects various pilgrim routes throughout Europe. The most popular is the Camino Frances, or French Way, starting either from Saint Jean Pied de Port on the French side of the Pyrenees or from Roncesvalles on the Spanish side.
VIA FRANCIGENA, from Canterbury to Rome.
This route stretches south to the ancient port cities where pilgrims [and Crusaders] used to depart for the Holy Land.
NIDAROS, from Oslo to Trondheim.
One of the great northern pilgrimage routes of the Middle Ages
Over five million pilgrims and tourists visit Lourdes, France. The Vatican has recognized 68 miracle healings from those who consumed the water from the sanctuary grotto, which is thought to possess healing powers.
Pope John Paul II believed he was saved from death at the hands of his assassin by Our Lady of Fatima and visited the shrine three times after the attempt on his life.
Thousands of crosses, crucifixes and rosaries make up this shrine to recognize the endurance of Catholicism throughout Lithuania's history.
MECCA, Saudi Arabia
This holy journey takes place on the eighth day of the 12th month of the Islamic Calendar. All able-bodied Muslims are obligated to make the journey to Mecca at least once to make the Hajj, which includes taking the Umra, or acts of faith. Many also make the Ziarah pilgrimage to Medina to the mosque and grave of prophet Muhammad at the same time.
Thousands of Christians follow the path they believe Jesus walked on his way to his crucifixion.
Known as the "farthest mosque," it is one of the holiest sites in Islam.
Jews have prayed at the Western Wall for hundreds of years, believing that the Divine Presence rests upon it and that the gate of heaven is situated directly above it.
Known as Asia's Lourdes, Christians and some Muslims make the pilgrimage between Sept. 7 and 10.
Pilgrims generally follow a circular route from Delhi to Sarnath (where Buddha gave his first sermon) to Bodhgaya(where he attained enlightenment) to Kushinagar (where he died) to Lumbini (where he was born). Many pilgrims also visit Rajgat on the banks of the Yumana River where the Mahatma Gandhi was cremated.
This Hindu pilgrimage is known to be one of the most spectacular in the world. It rotates among Allahabad (Prayag), Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik on the shores of the Ganges, every three years over a 12-year cycle. On the 12th year, the Grand Kumbh Mela becomes the biggest pilgrimage in the world.
GUFU, Shandong Province, China.
This is the hometown of Confucius.
LHASA, Tibet
Tibetans have many ancient pilgrimage routes starting from all over the area that was ancient Tibet and culminating in Lhasa, the Dalai Lama's seat of power.
This 52-kilometer (32-mile) pilgrimage should be made in one day. Hindus and Buddhists make it in a clockwise direction. Jain and Bonpo religions circumnavigate it in a counter-clockwise direction.
SOLOMON'S ROCK, Ferghana Valley, Central Asia.
Pilgrims travel to the top of the hill to see the imprints where Solomon (in his Muslim incarnation) is said to have pressed his hands and feet into the rock.
Every year members of the Nazareth Christian Church walk barefootÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¬Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?Âtheir possessions carried on their headsÃ???????Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¬Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?Âto the holy Nlangakazi Mountain about 80 kms (50 miles) away.
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Salam mate
see how it is commonly known that Muslims do Hajj to Al Masjid Al Haram in Mecca, it is really strange that some of the Quran aloners sect want to change that yet they never providd a single valid evidence from the Quran
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Salam Jungleboy,
Is there anything relating to the subject of this thread on the website? If you could paste a link directly to the relevant material that would help as I can't see anything to do with Hajj on the front page or links. Or are you referring to one of the flash videos?
Wed 25 Apr, 2007 6:28 pm
JungleBoy Pawn
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Click on the "cube" link located on the lower left hand side at then download and save it in your documents folder. When you open the folder, you will find various files that you can read and reflect upon. Note: the file is 27.5 MB but worth it.
Thu 26 Apr, 2007 10:29 am
Al-Quraishi Site Admin
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Done all that, but I'm still not sure what you're trying to get at, are you saying that the Hajj and Kaba are polytheistic innovations? Please be clearer instead of just posting a weblink.
Like I said originally, how do people who claim this explain the obvious verses in the Qur'an that explain them?
Thu 26 Apr, 2007 9:54 pm
The Rook
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# that's the bloke who wrote 1 of the lengthiest (and most pathetic) jokes u ll ever read anywhere..."arab conspiracy against islam" is what it went under....innit?
## i remember this forum i used to be at....the peepz there were rippin' off his jokes and calling it a "god-alone" understanding...there was this guy who had started a thread about whether islam is a "religion", and i asked him to define religion and somehow he never got past that...beat that! :-S
# take care, budz! (-:
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 3:04 am
Al-Quraishi Site Admin
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that's the bloke who wrote 1 of the lengthiest (and most pathetic) jokes u ll ever read anywhere..."arab conspiracy against islam" is what it went under....innit?
Salam bro, yes I noticed that also and as a result I have little respect for such an individual because he's either:
1. He is ignorant of Arabic and the correct meaning therefore in light of his own ignorance he feels he can convince others and guide them with his articles even though he can't read the Qur'an.
2. He isn't ignorant and understands the Arabic word therefore he's purposefully mistranslated it to decieve others and attack an entire race/ethnicity of people.
## i remember this forum i used to be at....the peepz there were rippin' off his jokes and calling it a "god-alone" understanding...there was this guy who had started a thread about whether islam is a "religion", and i asked him to define religion and somehow he never got past that...beat that! :-S
You hit the nail on the head with that one, notice on the website it has "ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION" in a big scrolling marquee across the top. This pussyfooting around the issue of Religion/Way of life is rediculous, the argument is negligible regardless as it's clear a good Muslim's life is guided by Islam. It's also a shame that the people who share these views almost always have prejudiced views towards Arabs.
Many (or is it most?) Christians and Jews/Zionists are prejudiced toward the people of the Middle East i.e. the cultural, racial, ethnic, liguistic etc etc inheritors of their own supposed Prophets. The sad thing is that Muslims know that Arabs are the cultural inheritors of the prophets esp. Muhammad and this resentment has grown. If Muhammad was around here today would they too despise him becuase he speaks and dresses like an Arab?
Just some food for thought for all those vehement-Western/'Progressive' Muslims out there.
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 4:35 am
JungleBoy Pawn
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Al-Quraishi wrote:
Done all that, but I'm still not sure what you're trying to get at, are you saying that the Hajj and Kaba are polytheistic innovations? Please be clearer instead of just posting a weblink.
Like I said originally, how do people who claim this explain the obvious verses in the Qur'an that explain them?
If you've "done all that", then the contents of that weblink should have become clearer to you or need deeper contemplation. Perhaps you need to have a better look, visualize and understand exactly what goes around at Hajj and Jamrah, which by the way, does NOT fit Quranic adjudications if it were from God. Many verses in the Quran are not obvious after all, now are they, else we wouldn't have 'gazillion' translations or to each his own.
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 4:50 am
JungleBoy Pawn
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Al-Quraishi wrote:
This pussyfooting around the issue of Religion/Way of life is rediculous, the argument is negligible regardless as it's clear a good Muslim's life is guided by Islam.
BIG difference between Religion and Way of Life, if only you knew.
It's also a shame that the people who share these views almost always have prejudiced views towards Arabs.
Perhaps you forgot that that's how and where Islam the Arab world and it were the Arabs from all ethnic backgrounds that desecrated and disbelieved in Muhammad and went rampaging about their old idolworshipping pagan ways that we witness till today. No wonder the Quran professes that the majority of people have disbelieved and lost interest in its REAL message for whatever reasons, hence they refuse to or simly cannot understand.
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 5:26 am
Al-Quraishi Site Admin
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Perhaps you forgot that that's how and where Islam the Arab world and it were the Arabs from all ethnic backgrounds that desecrated and disbelieved in Muhammad and went rampaging about their old idolworshipping pagan ways that we witness till today. No wonder the Quran professes that the majority of people have disbelieved and lost interest in its REAL message for whatever reasons, hence they refuse to or simly cannot understand.
So you're condoning this? Even if this was true (which I'm going to prove it ain't) it in no way warrants prejudice against a whole group of people.
Perhaps you forgot that that's how and where Islam started
Yes it did start here, as the Prophet was an Arab, so were his closest friends and beloved family.
Prophet Muhammad - From Makkah, delivered true Islam
Now let's have a look at the architects of today's traditionalist 'Islam':
Al-Bukhari - From Central Asia
Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj - From Persia
Abu Dawood - From Persia
Now to say:
in the Arab world and it were the Arabs from all ethnic backgrounds that desecrated and disbelieved in Muhammad and went rampaging about their old idolworshipping pagan ways
Is rediculous as people everywhere are as bad as each other when it comes to mixing pagan and cultural things into their religious practice - however after your comments it's clear to me you believe that Arabs must be treat unequally compared to the rest of mankind.
Or do you wish to rephrase what you said?
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 5:47 am
JungleBoy Pawn
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Salaam Al Quraishi,
My points are geared towards idols and idolworshipping acts relevant to Hajj, Umra and Jamrah, not towards Bukhari & Co., hence the weblink I presented to better understand and reflect upon AS PER THE QURAN. It seems that you didn't contemplate well enough. Besides, I never said ALL the Arabs, as you seem to point out. Arabs does not mean Muslims ONLY, keep that in mind.
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 11:47 am
The Rook
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al-quraishi wrote:
Salam bro, yes I noticed that also and as a result I have little respect for such an individual because he's either:
1. He is ignorant of Arabic and the correct meaning therefore in light of his own ignorance he feels he can convince others and guide them with his articles even though he can't read the Qur'an.
2. He isn't ignorant and understands the Arabic word therefore he's purposefully mistranslated it to decieve others and attack an entire race/ethnicity of people.
# hmmm...i think it's a mixture of 1 and 2...he most likely started off with li'l or no knowledge of quran or arabic, and himself ripped off the works of non-muslims and wannabes before him, and over the years picked up li'l here and there...not too hard to gain a superficial knowledge of a language if u are sufficiently motivated to...u know! personally..ummm...i dont think he's a muslim, or has ever been! anycase, it's hard to have much respect for an unabashed liar!
You hit the nail on the head with that one, notice on the website it has "ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION" in a big scrolling marquee across the top.
## yups...and that's only 1 of the things they ve ripped off and are trying to propogate..a lot many other ideas too have found their way into their "god-alone" religion! : lolz :
This pussyfooting around the issue of Religion/Way of life is rediculous, the argument is negligible regardless as it's clear a good Muslim's life is guided by Islam. It's also a shame that the people who share these views almost always have prejudiced views towards Arabs.
Many (or is it most?) Christians and Jews/Zionists are prejudiced toward the people of the Middle East i.e. the cultural, racial, ethnic, liguistic etc etc inheritors of their own supposed Prophets. The sad thing is that Muslims know that Arabs are the cultural inheritors of the prophets esp. Muhammad and this resentment has grown. If Muhammad was around here today would they too despise him becuase he speaks and dresses like an Arab?
# well...i dont think it matters whether peepz speak and dress like arabs...arabs are just another nation...and nations before them did deviate...i don't think that they are the best or the worst as extreme elements on either side claim!
Just some food for thought for all those vehement-Western/'Progressive' Muslims out there.
## here are some possibilities regarding the wannabes:
* they simply seek to deceive
** they feel inferior to some other peepz and hence try to ape/appease them to gain accpetance/leverage
*** they lack faith and are seeking justification thru any means whatsoever
## salam buddy..take care! (-:
Fri 27 Apr, 2007 4:03 pm
The Rook
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jungleboy wrote:
BIG difference between Religion and Way of Life, if only you knew.
# cool...seems like u do know the big about sharing it with us! (-:
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